Blackberry Desktop Software For Mac Uninstall

I have attempted several times to uninstall BlackBerry Desktop Software ver. 4.3 from my laptop to no avail (and much frustration). The following message pops up halfway through the uninstall.

Remove all BlackBerry Desktop Manager traces from OS X. Found on
#!/bin/bash -x
if [ $UID-ne 0 ];then
# Test that the script is run as root.
echo'Script must run as root'
exit 1
if [ !-x'$REFCOUNT_PATH' ];then
echo'Ref tool not found'
exit 1
PKREF='`pkgutil --pkgs=com.rim.blackberrydesktopmanager.Application.pkg`'
if [ -d'/Library/Receipts/blackberrydesktopmanager.pkg' ] || [ !-z${PKREF} ];#MAYBE THIS SHOULD BE /Library/Receipts/blackberrydesktopmanager.pkg INSTEAD?
#unregister the Desktop Manager App with BBLaunchAgent
/Library/Application Support/Blackberry/ -ndefault /Applications/BlackBerry Desktop >> /dev/null
/bin/rm -fr '/Applications/BlackBerry Desktop'
/bin/rm -fr '/Library/Receipts/blackberrydesktopmanager.pkg'
# Delete the Application Support folder and preferences for ALL users
/bin/rm -fr /Users/*'/Library/Application Support/BlackBerryDesktop/'
/bin/rm -f /Users/*'/Library/Preferences/com.rim.blackberrydesktopmanager.plist'
/bin/rm -fr /Users/*'/Library/Caches/com.rim.blackberrydesktopmanager'
/Library/Application Support/BlackBerry/ -ipndefault /Library/Application Support/BlackBerry/ >> /dev/null
/bin/rm -fr '/Library/Application Support/BlackBerry/'
if [ ${REFCOUNTVSP}-eq 0 ];then
/bin/rm -fr '/Library/Modem Scripts/RIM IP Modem.ccl'
/bin/rm -fr '/Library/Frameworks/RIM_VSP.framework'
/bin/rm -fr '/Library/Receipts/blackberryvsp.pkg'
/bin/rm -f '/Library/Preferences/com.rim.vsp.plist'
if [ ${REFCOUNTVSPDR}-eq 0 ];then
/bin/rm -fr '/System/Library/Extensions/RIMBBVSP.kext'
/bin/rm -fr '/Library/Receipts/blackberryvspdr.pkg'
/bin/rm -f '/Library/Preferences/com.rim.RIMBBVSP.plist'
if [ ${REFCOUNTDR}-eq 0 ];then
# unload the driver
if [ !-x'$DCALL_PATH' ];then
echo'DCAll tool not found'
if [ ${REFCOUNTFW}-eq 0 ];then
# BBLaunchAgent is run by the users, not root. We walk through all logged in users and
# attempt to quit the BBLaunchAgent just in case multiple users are logged in simultaneously.
sudo -u '${currentUser}' /bin/launchctl unload /Library/LaunchAgents/com.rim.BBLaunchAgent.plist
# NOTE: The previous loop might fail on 10.4 if the user name is >8 characters (the 'users' command
# on 10.4 returns only the first 8 characters of the user name!). So, we explicitly
# unload using the numeric userid just in case.
sudo -u '#${CALLERS_UID}' /bin/launchctl unload /Library/LaunchAgents/com.rim.BBLaunchAgent.plist
# stop the daemon that is run as root
/bin/launchctl unload /Library/LaunchDaemons/com.rim.BBDaemon.plist
/bin/rm -fr '/Library/Frameworks/RimBlackBerryUSB.framework'
/bin/rm -f '/Library/LaunchDaemons/com.rim.BBDaemon.plist'
/bin/rm -f '/Library/LaunchAgents/com.rim.BBLaunchAgent.plist'
/bin/rm -fr '/Library/Application Support/BlackBerry'
/bin/rm -fr '/Library/Receipts/blackberryframeworks.pkg'
/bin/rm -f '/Library/Preferences/com.rim.RimBlackBerryUSB.plist'
/bin/rm -f '/Library/Preferences/com.rim.RimLaunchAgent.plist'
/bin/rm -f /Users/*'/Library/Preferences/com.rim.RimLaunchAgent.plist'
if [ ${REFCOUNTDR}-eq 0 ];then
# unload the driver
KEXTSTATUS='`/sbin/kextunload -b com.rim.driver.BlackBerryUSBDriverInt`'
/bin/rm -fr '/System/Library/Extensions/BlackBerryUSBDriverInt.kext'
/bin/rm -fr '/System/Library/Extensions/RIMBBUSB.kext'
/bin/rm -fr '/Library/Receipts/blackberryusbdriverint.pkg'
/bin/rm -f '/Library/Preferences/com.rim.BlackBerryUSBDriverInt.plist'
/bin/rm -f '/Library/Preferences/com.rim.RIMBBUSB.plist'
# SnowLeopard stores receipts differently then Leopard and vice versa.
# This unforunatly does not work on Leopard either so we need to support both receipt removal methods
# To get ride of SnowLeopard receipts:
/usr/sbin/pkgutil --forget 'com.rim.blackberrydesktopmanager.BlackBerryFrameworks.pkg'
/usr/sbin/pkgutil --forget 'com.rim.blackberrydesktopmanager.BlackBerryUSBDriver.pkg'
/usr/sbin/pkgutil --forget 'com.rim.blackberrydesktopmanager.BlackBerryUSBDriverVSP.pkg'
/usr/sbin/pkgutil --forget 'com.rim.blackberrydesktopmanager.BlackBerryVSP.pkg'
/usr/sbin/pkgutil --forget 'com.rim.blackberrydesktopmanager.Application.pkg'
echo'Not Found'
exit 1
exit 0
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How to use BlackBerry Desktop Software for Mac to update or make changes to applications on the BlackBerry smartphone

Article Number: 000019150 First Published: April 25, 2017 Last Modified: April 25, 2017 Type: Support



Add applications to the BlackBerry® smartphone

Note : Until additions or updates to applications are complete, the BlackBerry® smartphone will not be in a usable state. The BlackBerry® smartphone might not be usable if it is unplugged or the update process is canceled before completion. The update process will need to be restarted in order to regain use of the BlackBerry® smartphone.

  1. Connect the BlackBerry® smartphone to a Mac computer.
  2. In the Applications folder, click BlackBerry Desktop Software.
  3. Click the Applications icon at the top of the screen.
  4. In the list of available applications, select the check box beside one or more applications.
  5. Click Start.
  6. Complete the instructions on screen.

Update applications and the BlackBerry Device Software

Update the BlackBerry® Device Software and other device applications to use new features that are available in a later version.

Desktop Uninstall Programs

  1. Connect the BlackBerry smartphone to a Mac computer.
  2. In the Applications folder, click BlackBerry Desktop Software.
  3. Click the Applications icon at the top of the screen.
  4. Click Check for Updates.
  5. If updates appear in the list, select one or more applications to update.
  6. Perform any of the following actions:
    • To check for other versions of the selected applications, click Show other versions.
    • To back up and restore device data while updating device applications, select the Back up and restore device data check box.
    • To back up and restore third-party applications while updating device applications, select the Back up and restore third-party applications check box.
  7. Click Start.
  8. Complete the instructions on screen.

Delete applications from the BlackBerry smartphone

Software For Mac Free

  1. Connect the BlackBerry® smartphone to a Mac computer.
  2. In the Applications folder, click BlackBerry Desktop Software.
  3. Click the Applications icon at the top of the screen.
  4. Clear the check box beside one or more of the applications that you want to delete.
  5. Click Start.
  6. Complete the instructions on screen.

Additional Information

Web-based BlackBerry Device Software updates are available for BlackBerry® smartphones that are associated with BlackBerry® Enterprise Server 4.1 and 5.0, and are running BlackBerry Device Software 5.0. In order for this to be true, a BlackBerry Enterprise Server administrator must enable the ability to perform web-based updates by applying the Allow Web-Based Software Loading IT policy. This IT policy rule must be set to Yes (enabled) in order to use this functionality.

Please refer to the BlackBerry Enterprise Server Policy Reference Guide, located here .

Uninstall Office For Mac

Note: If there are no updates available via Web-based BlackBerry Device Software update, Desktop Software for Mac will not display any updates.

Blackberry Desktop Software For Mac Uninstall Mac

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